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Tapping Into the Universe and Creating Superstars with Soul: Howard Bloom

Episode Summary

Nicole welcomes Howard Bloom to the show. Not only is Howard PR and Journalism royalty, but he has been called “the greatest publicist ever known,” the “next in a lineage of seminal thinkers that include Newton, Darwin, Einstein, and Freud'' by Britain’s Channel 4 TV, and “the next Stephen Hawking” by Gear Magazine. Howard has authored seven books including The Lucifer Principle and speaks about his new work on the way. Howard also talks to Nicole about how the new generation needs celebrities with substance and shares some wisdom and takeaways from working with legendary icons such as Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, Prince, and many more. Howard talks about engaging with the media in a fresh way every time, and what sets apart a superstar from the herd.

Episode Notes


Howard Bloom | Howard’s Books 

The Varieties of Religious Experiences 

The Philosopher at the End of the Universe 

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